Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas! & Happy New Year!

I'm a little late for Christmas, I know but at least I'm early for New Years:) LOL! I just thought I'd share a few shots from Christmas Day. We had the most wonderful day with our Family and I think I got some great shots:) So feel free to tell me what you think. I know most are just snapshots but as the day went on I went into Photographer mode and started lining up the shots I wanted;) As best I could anyway. So here's to a SAFE,HAPPY&HEALTHY New Year to all of you:) God Bless!

Here's DS in all his excitement:)

And my other DS who as you can see is a HUGE Vikings fan:)

This is my Neice, I used a preset on this one, what do you think? Yes? No?

And I just love how small he looks in this one. My Baby is growing up:(

And I could go on but I'll leave you with those for now and I might post some more tomorrow bc I know you all are just on the edge of your seats waiting:) LOL! TFL!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Happy Birthday!

To me:) Wow I thought last year was a big one but man! 30??? I feel like......... an adult! I mean a real adult:) LOL:) Like one that people actually consider an adult? KWIM? I just don't know if I like it though. I was growing pretty fond of my 20's..... Ya know? Isn't that always the way, that just when we get used to something, it goes and changes on us?LOL So yes today was my 30th Birthday and what a day it was. My Mom took me out for lunch to have my favorite thing.... sushi:) yummmmm....... I love Sushi:) So after a delicious lunch of Sushi and an afternoon of shopping, I finished it off with a kick my 30 year old butt class of Taekwando! Man what a day:) And not that I have hit 30 I can honestly say........ Well, I wish I were 25??? LOL! What did you think I'd say? I'm glad to be 30? NOT!

So I'll leave you with a favorite from a session this weekend with some close friends:) Makes me smile:)

Monday, December 3, 2007

`Tis the Season :)

And I just love it:) Merry Christmas! I know it's been forever since I've blogged but I just can not find enough hours in the day:) I mean between life and work and pictures I am totally swamped! LOL! My kids are getting ready to be out for Christmas break as I am sure everyone else's are as well so I am trying to prepare for that and getting ready for Christmas. Whew! I am exhausted just thinking about it but wow! it's awesome. To me Christmas means food, family and friends..... not nec. in that order.LOL! So I've been working on my Cookie party invite, yes you heard me, a cookie party! As if I didn't have enough to do but you know everyone just LOES it! This is the 4th year in a row I've done it and it gets bigger and bigger every year:) I can't wait and I would love to know what you all think of my invite:) Please excuse the black blotches as this is my personal info and while I know you guys are all wonderful upstanding members of the community, I just like to play it safe;)

Sunday, November 4, 2007


We had the best time at Halloween this year! Our Church had this thing called Trunk or Treating! and boy did we have a blast:) We had a great time and an awesome turnout along with most of our Awana kids came too! Of course I had to take the pictures. I mean come on.... someone had to right?? haha! So of course I would be the one to step up to do it! I think I got some great ones. Maybe even some of the best I've ever done thanks to some awesome Mentoring I've been getting! So without further adiu.... I really don't think I spelled that right but oh well:) Here are some of my shots! CC is always welcome, and greatly appreciated!

Monday, October 22, 2007


Ok so I know you guys probably get sick and tired of seeing all of my sunset shots but I just can't help it:) LOL! I wasn't even looking for them this time. We were out looking for my inlaws so we could drop DS off to spend the night and I happened across this scene.....

and I couldn't resist:) I pulled the car over, got out and snapped a few... dozen or so;) DH and kids were waiting so I had to be quick. Anyway, I am just such a sucker for a beautiful sky:) I think I may be better at capturing Nature than people ? I just never get this kind of response from them:)

I just don't know how you can look at that sky and not thank God for the beauty of it:) I just love it!! TFL!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fall Color

These are a few recents I did this weekend while out trying to find some Fall color. Well, if you have ever been to Sunny SC you know that there isn't much color to be found so PS was definately my friend here!LOL  I don't usually go to this extreme but I kind of liked it I must admit:) Compared to the cooler tones in the originals these were a treat. I think I may print these. Of course, I am partial so I'd love to hear what you think:) 

Sunday, September 30, 2007

So I know it's been like ages but I have just been so swamped I haven't had time to post. This little guy was just so cute that I couldn't resist! He turned 7 today and had his own special outfit to proove it:) So moving right along, this session was quite a way out of the norm for me as I've never really done pet photography before, but I will say it was a blast! And although, I have yet to a newborn, other than my own, I'm thinking this is a lot like that because he didn't talk back:) Not even one bark! He was the most well behaved little guy I think I've ever met. My kids could take a lesson or 2 from him! Ok Ok one with the pics! Now in order to understand why he's dressed the way he is, you have to know the deal, his Mom is writing a series of children's books that are going to feature him! So he is dressed to follow the themes of them:) I think he's just a doll!

This is hils little raincoat(which I don't think he was too thrilled with:)

and this was his favorite outfit of all:)

Well, thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great Sunday! CC is always welcomed and appreciated:)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Man I stink!

I have just been soooooo busy this summer I haven't been able to keep up:( I have no clue what week we're on but I'll just post a few of my recent fav's! For those of you that have seen these on 2peas, sorry. Anyway, School starts this week so just maybe I'll be able to keep up with my posts.......... hmmmmm..... then again, I'm not so sure I'm gonna be any less busy.LOL! So for the very few of you that still stop by my blog, here's a few new ones! Oh and I ran these though portraiture! I just love it! Thanks to Lauren, who was kind enough to show me how GREAT it is! Oh and to Renee, for the group buy of course:)

Thanks for stopping by and as usual any CC is greatly appreciated!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

So you got me!

I'm forced to blog again tonight because Mommyg tagged me. Such a low blow!LOL JK! anyway this is a tough one..... so personal......I don't know if I can think of 8 things y'all would care to know about me but I'll give it a shot:)Oh and just an FYI for those who didn't see the board, I ordered the bag from now for the fun part:)

(Players list 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, players then tags 8 people by posting their names and makes sure they know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at the tagee’s blog.)

1) Going with yesterday's post...... I am a total handbag nut..... LOVE designer handbags. Have a ton, need some more. An obsession I know but I love them and have a husband who after 10 years of marriage( Aug 2) lets me get a new one more often now than he did then;)

2) I too love my toenails painted. and my fingernails done.As does DH so sexy you know, and he loves all the funky things I let them do, all the designs and whatnot. I don't want people to know I'm gonna be 30. My Awana kids may not like me anymore:) I can actually grow my own but the polish doesn't stay on like on acrylics so I get them done. Nuts I know but I consider it MY time(except in the Summer) and I love it. Although I hate how long it takes....hmmm... wierd!

3) I actually love to edit pictures! I hear so many people dread it but I don't. I love it. and I love having others to edit besides my family which is why I went into this business. First and foremost it is a passion that I love and I pray it stays that way. The second it becomes something I dread, I'm done.

4) I am probably the most shy person I know. No one knows I have a blog! I'm serious( except my friend Deb) who shares my photography passion. I wouldn't want them to read it. I'm that shy. If I KNEW you guys I probably wouldn't share half as much as I do. I simply can not talk to people I don't know! I know I know, not the best business tool but I'm working on it:)

5) Housecleaning????? People still do that? LOL. DH actually just hired someone recently to clean our house.. I was so thrilled. This has never been my strong point, only took him 10 years to come to terms with it. He's OCD.. seriously and so I could never clean it to his liking even if I tried:) I love him for hiring someone though... Wow what a feeling!

6)I absolutely hate the ocean! I know! I told you I'm wierd. It's the water. I have a fear of the unknown, can't stand not being able to see.. ewww! Now if were to live.. say the Bahamas. now that ocean I could get used to. I do love the beauty of the Beach and yes I take my kids I'm not a total drag but I don't get in. And people think I'm nuts cause I live on the coast.....literally the beach is in my backyard but I seek out the pool! Never fails though when company comes they HAVE to go to the beach so I save up all year for that time!

7)I live for CSI.... it's the best show ever. I love it. That or forensic files, I love to see them figure it all out. I will watch the reruns anytime I can find them on. My fav is Miami but I watch them all. I don't watch anything else really, not a TV nut. Matter of fact it doesn't come on until I sit down after the kids are in bed with my laptop and I turn it on for bg noise( unless CSI is on)

8)I absolutely love technology! I mean really love it. The next new thing the simplicity of it. Anything that makes my life easier has to be mine. Some people would love to be in the country cut off from the world and all that, not me, give me my latte and sushi and sit me an a corner with my iphone and let me be. I love to be in constant contact with people. If I want to call someone or check something out. I want to do it right then not wait til I forget... I love the internet. Greatest invention of our age! Never ceases to amaze me! The knowledge and freedom it gives us. And for those of us who were not in line when god gave out patience I can't tell you how wonderful it is. To be able to track packages in the blink of an eye... I could go on all day but if you've listened to me ramble this long you're a trooper, so I'll give it a rest... Now for the pictures.......

Well, I haven't had a lot of time lately to shoot anything new but I did get to get my framed shot from the paper today. I so love what they did to it with the framing:) Such an awesome job! Anyway, thanks again to all you great gals who voted for me....I really appreciate it:)

So here it is! Do you love it? I know I do! I hung it in my Dining Room so everyone will see it when they come in:)
This is the best I could do with it being dark out and I tried to spare you the reflection:)

A little closer:)

So there it is! And now I have to tag some people and I have no idea who's been tagged:( And 8 people is an awful lot...... So how about we just say that if you haven't been tagged, consider yourself tagged now:) TFL!

Friday, July 27, 2007

So, It has been forever since I've posted and I have no excuse( other than the usual) kids out of school for the summer and life is just crazy! See, I knew you wouldn't accept that. Like all of your lives aren't crazy and you still find the time to post:) Well, I just don't know how you do it! And some of you are not even SAHM's! Man! I salute you..... I mean, I really do! I'm not just saying that because I really do mean it! Anyway, on with my post, since as it seems, if it follows pattern it will be the only one this month:) JK
So on my previous post I put up a shot of my son and said how I loved the look on his face. Well, I know some( most) of you have seen these on 2 peas,(sorry) but I used that shot for the backpack I ordered with a pic on it. See I have been really trying to get my name out there more and get more exposure so when I saw these bags I thought they would be great advertising. So far, ( in the ONE whole day I've had it) everyone really likes it. I even have some requests from the family for some of their own. Christmas here we come...... and hey, more free advertising:) So here they are:) The photos of my beautiful new bag... and they even let me put my logo on them. Most companies from what I'm finding, won't let you do this:) TFL and visiting! And who knows maybe I'll post more than once this month.... strange things have happened:)

And an inside view so you can see how it looks:)

and I am still so in love with this shot.... It's the look on his face:) Oh and that beautiful logo was made for me courtesy of my good friend Droller(20,000 frames of mind) She rocks!

Oh can anyone tell me what week we are on??? So lost!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Woo hoo! Twice in one week! Well, I haven't taken any new ones but I do still have a few left to share from the other day I thought I'd share. We went to the pool again today and I got scorched:( Ouch! I hate getting sunburned! Anyway, I didn't get any new shots since I was too busy trying to ignore the drunk guys out there ranting and raving to be too concerned with photos. Not to mention the sky just wasn't as beautiful today! So anyway here are the rest from the other day. So feel free to let me know what ya think:) TFL
I swear this kid is so photogenic! This was a split sec. photo I took as he was running to jump in the pool and he looked right at me:)

I just love the look on his face:)

And finally, what post would be complete without a sky shot:)

Thanks again for looking:) CC away!

Monday, July 9, 2007

And here I am falling behind again!! I have just been so busy with the kids out of school for the Summer. It's really hard to find the time to get on the computer lately. Anyway I don't have a ton of time to chat tonight but I just thought I'd share a few pics from the pool on Friday. I am really partial to some of them but then again..... I took them:) So how about you tell me what you think. I still haven't gotten that shot of my pic in the Library yet:( (Told ya I have no time lately) Anyway, I will get it.... eventually:) So here goes:)

You know I can't resist an awesome sky:) Even if my son is under it:)

and my nephew.....

Who thought sunscreen was just like fingerpaint!

And one more so you can see just how beautiful that sky was:)

So thanks for looking and with a little luck I can make it to the POTD at least once more this week:) TFL! CC away:)

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Nothing Special

Just some random Macro's I took while out on the golfcart today. I've been in kind of a funk lately. Every since that big shoot really, and sitting in front of the computer editing all day. I just haven't wanted to photograph anything.....well, scratch that I've wanted to I just haven't been able to"find" anything....KWIM? Anyway, today I got my groove back:) LOL sounds like I'm Stella:) Anyway I went out with the kids for a ride down to the beach and on the way there......nothing, but on the way back....poof! There it was just like that I was seeing all these things I wanted to shoot! I kept passing things up and turning around and it was driving my son nuts!!! Ha! I'm so happy! So here are a few of the shots I got! I get to join in Macro Monday for the first time in like a month!! Yea!!! So anyway feel free to CC!

Here's the flower my DS gave me:) He's such a sweetie!

And these were just some random tiny little flowers on this bush by the road:)

And there ya have it:) Like I said nothing major but they at least made me smile! TFL!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Where has the week Gone??

I have been thinking all week that I would have time to get on here and update and it's already Friday!!! I have been so busy trying to figure out what to do to entertain my kiddos for the rest of the summer...any ideas? Ha! I've got what like 6 more weeks or something!! Oh well, we need to just go to the pool.........if they only had internet.......:) JK! I'm not that bad:) I've actually been trying to nail down my new lens. Oh and for all you guys that voted for me in the local paper photo contest.... THANK YOU! I WON!! I actually met with the lady last night for her to hang it in the Library and WOW! It's huge. I mean they really did a nice job! I was so thrilled! Unfortunately I don't have the pictures dl yet but when I do I'll show you how it turned out......Until then here are a few you can let me know what you think on! I ran these through this new NW program I got. I've never really messed with NW before but since switching to RAW it seems I have no choice:( Oh well, I think I'm partial to softer features anyway:) So here goes

I just love the look on her face!

And one for the road;)

As usual TFL!

Saturday, June 23, 2007


So most of the comments I got you guys said you'd like to see less sand and more of the people......So I'm wondering if you can help me out???? I have a few of course that do show less sand but they are not cropped to a normal printing size:( I don't know how to show less sand and yet still keep the correct dimentions for printing, not without cropping to a larger size and printing smalller than that to make it work.... make sense? I've never shot a family this big before and I want to make sure I have it all figured out before I start submitting their print orders, KWIM? Anyway any suggestions you guys have would be MUCH appreciated:) So I'm gonna throw in a few more from my shoot for you to CC on! Like I said before they really were a great group. Oh and someone mentioned the shots were too posed.....I did have to stick to 3 major "poses" bc of time constraints and the families wanted the one where they were looking at me with the ocean in the bg. I would have loved to have had a lot more time with at least some of them bc I could 've had a blast, but it just wasn't to be! I have already gotten another offer to do some friends of theirs when they come down here for their reunion so this was definately great practice:) Thanks again for all your help guys!

What do you think of this ?

I just love this one:)

The kids had such a blast jumping the waves:)

Ok, Ok I've kept you long enough, I'll cut it for now:) Can't wait to hear what you think:)

;)Just had to add one more sht with my new lens:) LOVE IT!! This is SOOC:) !!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ok Tell me what you think......

I've been missing out on the POTD this week bc I've been doing VBS and proofing like a fool:) My shoot on Saturday went really well! The families were just as nice as they could be and I got some great shots:) I had my proofing session today and she LOVED them! I was so excited:) Anyway, there were like 11 seperate families and they of course all wanted to be shot individually and as the whole group.........Like I said, exhausting to say the least......So here are just a few shots I got. We were on the beach in the late afternoon, sun was a little much in the beginning but I had to start early enough so I didn't lose the light(and of course most of them were late) All in all I think it worked out well....... I took my reflector this time:) Not that I was able to use it on a group of 45!!!! But I did take it:) So here ya go...... let me have it!!(gently) haha jk! With the group being so large and the families so many I stuck to like 3 poses for the families, walking away down the beach, towards down the beach and posed in front of the ocean.......

I have to take out the flip flop on this one...LOL this is what happens when you edit after midnight:)

This is a little boy and he was just about the cutest thing, and I like the mid. sep on these bc they look so dreamy:)

Do you love this little girl?!?1 What a doll!!

Ok I had to add one more.....This is diff. bc I used my new 85mm1.4 and all I can say is.......I'm in LOVE!!!

Ok so that all I've got for you tonight, we'd be here all night if I showed all the famillies...... but I'll share more in the week....what do you think so far? TFL!