Monday, March 2, 2009


So I have to blog this before I forget it happened.... not likely but still a possibility! So I'm tucking Nick in for bed and we say our prayers and everything and as I'm leaving the room he asks one of those innocent 6 yr old questions, you know the ones..... yea those... that you have absolutely NO IDEA where in the world they get this stuff and more than that, WHY do they want to know? LOL!
So Nick says..... out of the blue...... Do they get told what to do in England????
WHAT?? Seriously??? Is this a joke bc I feel certain it is..... Is he and his 6 yr old brain trying to trick me? MOI??? the mastermind of the century??? I mean I AM the mom you know?

So as covertly as I can, I answer......... "yep, they sure do" and I wait for what I'm thinking will be the grandest revelation of all time and guess what he says??........

NOTHING! That was it, he just wanted to know I guess. Where he got the thought? Who knows but I'm just glad he didn't ask anything more serious bc who knows if I would have been able to keep up the facade of the "Mom who knows everything" for now anyway! LOL! I'm sure the day will come soon enough that he won't even ask me what time it is for fear I can't tell anymore but for now, I know it all.... at least in the eyes of my 6yr old. Now the 12 yr old? THAT"S another story!

And just for fun here's a shot of my 2 favorite people! I am so very proud of them!

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