Thursday, March 19, 2009

6 Days and counting.......

Until the much anticipated graduation of my DH from the academy! I absolutely CAN. NOT. WAIT! I am so super excited for him and also quite proud! This has been a ton of prayer and deliberation over this event and I am so excited to see it FINALLY happen for him! He is super excited and also quite nervous bc he does have 1 more test tomorrow before it is official that he graduates but I KNOW he can do it! With Prayer all things are possible! So here's to him and if you are in the mood to send up a prayer or two on his behalf we would sure appreciate it!

AND bc I know that no post is worth looking at without a picture, here is one to pass the time with. He looks like he feels like we do most days..... "Tired and in need of a boost, good thing he's got a Pepsi handy!"

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