Thursday, May 28, 2009

Turning over a new leaf....

or at least I'm going to try to do that:-) I am so not good at the whole blogging concept, I mean it's definitely NOT the chatting about my life part that gets me but the consistantcy is where I lack. I try, I really really do but at the end of the day there is just so much going on around me that it gets forgotten and I am really going to make an effort to change that. I have so much to say.....clearly! LOL!

I am amazed at how the time flies by and you can't even begin to imagine where it all went. I have been making an effort to really reach out to my boys lately. They are growing so fast and before I realize it I believe these precious moments will be few and far between and I'll be attending weddings and births of grandchildren and will begin to wonder again just where does the time go? So in an effort to remember that they really were young once the posts you see here will be more about my boys and our everyday reality that is our life:-) because I don't want to forget a single moment of it and if I don't write it out, let face memory has never been my strong point!

So with those things in mind- I invite you to join me in my quest to slow down and be more diligent about the memories I want to remember forever:-) If you blog, I'd love to read yours so PLEASE link me to it so I can take a peek. I have several that I go through on a daily basis and I would love to add yours to the list:-)

Well, those are my great words of wisdom for the day- if you have any of your own to share I'd love to hear them or just your thoughts today.

In the spirit of a new beginning here's a flower (or 2) just for you;-)

1 comment:

Debra said...

very nice!!! i have totally been trying to do the same thing... i can't remember if i have you linked on mine.. but i'll make sure.... love the roses... and time sure does fly by....