Monday, June 23, 2008

A Week in the life....

Well now wouldn't that be fun? NOT..... Our lives have been so totally and completely crazy that I have not had time to do anything let alone blog. Last week we had VBS at our Church and though it was a tremendous success and a wonderful blessing, it was also a TON of work! I mean, seriously, for those of you who are able to take your kids to VBS please take a moment and thank the helpers that are giving of their time to make it possible bc although they are doing it for the Lord it's still nice to hear a heartfelt thank you for their efforts. I have had the distinct pleasure of directing VBS at our Church for the past 2 years in a row and without the support and help and love of all of those volunteers and helpers it would not be possible. So enough with my ramblings, I want to take this moment to wish a heartfelt "thank You" to all of those volunteers that give so willingly and lovingly of their time, talents, and thoughts! You all know who are;) Thank you! and as soon as I recoup from the week I will blog away:)

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