Monday, October 22, 2007


Ok so I know you guys probably get sick and tired of seeing all of my sunset shots but I just can't help it:) LOL! I wasn't even looking for them this time. We were out looking for my inlaws so we could drop DS off to spend the night and I happened across this scene.....

and I couldn't resist:) I pulled the car over, got out and snapped a few... dozen or so;) DH and kids were waiting so I had to be quick. Anyway, I am just such a sucker for a beautiful sky:) I think I may be better at capturing Nature than people ? I just never get this kind of response from them:)

I just don't know how you can look at that sky and not thank God for the beauty of it:) I just love it!! TFL!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fall Color

These are a few recents I did this weekend while out trying to find some Fall color. Well, if you have ever been to Sunny SC you know that there isn't much color to be found so PS was definately my friend here!LOL  I don't usually go to this extreme but I kind of liked it I must admit:) Compared to the cooler tones in the originals these were a treat. I think I may print these. Of course, I am partial so I'd love to hear what you think:)